Executive CommitteeImage

Executive Committee of Delhi CAMPA

01 Conservator of Forests and CWLW Chairperson
02 Prof. C.R. Babu and Director, CEMDE, Delhi, University School of Environmental Sciences Member
03 Dy. Conservator of Forests of concerned Forest Division Member
04 Accounts Officer in the O/o the Conservator of Forests Member
05 Dy. Conservator of Forests (HQ) Member-Secretary

Functions and Powers of Executive Committee.

The executive committee of a State Authority shall

  1. Formulate and submit annual plan of operations to the steering committee of the State Authority for its concurrence;
  2. Undertake qualitative and quantitative supervision, monitoring and evaluation of the works being implemented from amounts available in the State Fund;
  3. Invest surplus amounts available in the State Fund of such State;
  4. Maintain books of account and other records;
  5. Submit reports to the steering committee of the State Authority;
  6. Prepare annual report of the State Authority;
  7. Deploy staff on contractual basis or on deputation to the posts in the State Authority;
  8. Formulate proposals for creation of posts in the State Authority;
  9. Be responsible for delegation of financial or administrative powers;
  10. Be responsible for other day-to-day working in respect of the State Authority;
  11. Maintain and update public information system on the State Authority and present all information on its transaction in the public domain;
  12. Undertake any other work as may be assigned by the governing body or steering committee of the State Authority or the State Government, from time to time